Building Haiku from source code

The following instructions are specifically to building haiku for x86_64 but you can always try building for other architectures too.

Clonning the source code

The official repository seems broken anyway didn’t work out for me so I clonned from github repo

git clone

Haiku uses some external tools to build from the source code

git clone

make sure that both the clonned repositories are in the same directories

Compiling buildtools

Create a directory where you are going to save the build image and related files

mkdir generated.x86_64; cd generated.x86_64

For compiling

../configure --build-cross-tools x86_64 ../../buildtools

Building the image

Before building the image you need to install some dependencies

sudo apt-get install git nasm autoconf automake texinfo flex bison gawk build-essential unzip wget zip less zlib1g-dev libcurl4-openssl-dev genisoimage libtool

Aditional requirements for ARM

sudo apt-get install u-boot-tools util-linux mtools device-tree-compiler bc

For creating nightly anyboot Haiku iso image

jam -q -j2 @nightly-anyboot

For creating nightly raw disk images

jam -q -j2 @nightly-raw


Now if you getting an error while building, specifically about haiku revision. Then,

cd $home/haiku/build/jam
cat UserBuildConfig

Now copy hrexxxxx, and go to haiku/generated.x86_64/build

cd $home/haiku/generated.x86_64/build

Then created and write into the file

echo -n "hrevxxxxx" > haiku-revision

Your error will be fixed

Emulation with Qemu

Installing Qemu

Qemu is a software in which you can emulate various hardware and on top of that you can run OS in vitual enviornment

sudo apt-get install qemu

Booting OS in virtual drive

Now create an virtual harddrive in which you are going to boot the OS

qemu-img create haiku-vm.img 10G

Now boot the OS in the virtual drive

sudo qemu-system-x86_64 -boot d -cdrom haiku/generated.x86_64/haiku-nightly-anyboot.iso -m 512 -hda haiku-vm.img

Now you can simply run the virtual drive

sudo qemu-system-x86_64 haiku-vm.img

If you have any issues with building and emulation, feel free to comment :)

Hope this helps!